2023年6月2日 星期五

兩位奧地利人 - 馬勒與薛丁格...




:What's waves got to do, got to do with it? 

我想到的就是Hologram - 世界就是Hologram。不同樂器音波的干涉就是交響樂,不同物質機率波干涉就是整個宇宙。What is Life - Waves?

前一段時間,我們這個年代的搖滾女皇,12 項格萊美獎得主Tina Turner 過世,享壽83歲。感謝她陪伴我們MTV世代年輕時念書考試的苦悶,還有激勵我們追逐夢想時期的熱情。她1984年的Private Dancer專輯於2020 年因“具有文化、歷史或美學意義”而被美國國會圖書館選入國家唱片登記處保存。專輯中的經典歌曲What's Love Got to Do with It ?就改寫一下吧:

You must understand, though the touch of your measurement
Makes the probe react
That it's only the thrill of force meeting field
Opposites attract
It's physics
Only logics
You must try to ignore that it means more than that

Oh-oh, what's waves got to do, got to do with it?
What's waves but a second order potential ?
What's waves got to do, got to do with it?
Who needs a waves when a particle can be brokens?

RIP Tina, Mahler & Schrödinger...

